Multiple Procedures and Relapse

1. I’ve had the procedure done before. Can I benefit by having another procedure?

If symptoms return treatment may be performed again. Consultation with Dr. Arata helps to to determine if re-treatment would be beneficial. He is available electronically for consultation free of charge.

2. Is it common for patients with advanced MS to relapse/restenosis after having the procedure?

Treatment is focused on autonomic dysfunction. Autonomic dysfunction can be seen by itself or with other conditions. It is seen with all forms and stages of MS. Treatment is not tied to the type or severity of MS. There are no preconditions specific to MS that increase the potential for relapse/restenosis.

3. Is there a limit to how many times you can have the procedure?

Treatment may be performed more than once. While no set limit has been set common sense dictates it only be performed if it helps you. The first treatment tends to have the most pronounced effect. Subsequent treatments tend to have diminishing returns on symptom response. Experience of treating physician and as much diagnostic information as possible provide the best chance for success.

Durability of the CCSVI/TVAM Procedure Over Time

This graphic represents summated data from approximately 400 Synergy patients. It shows that over time patients on average demonstrate improvement in daily function. The summary benefit persists and continues to improve even at 6 months after treatment.

Durability of the CCSVI TVAM Procedure over time

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