
Although we know that many of our patients contact each other through online resources, we enjoy getting personal feedback from patients that have been treated at Synergy Health.

This is a small sample of the feedback that we’ve gotten from our patients:

Our patients say…

Dr. Harris,

I thought it had been enough time to send you off an email and let you know where I stand regarding treatment post procedure for CCSVI. You performed my procedure May 20th, 2011. The only complaint I have is your choice in music for the surgery. ;) Country Music has never been my thing, but if that music helped you to perform what would eventually end up being a life changing procedure for me then I will give you that.

The improvements I have experienced are as listed below:

Read Full Patient Letter

  1. Improved heat intolerance- I live in an area of Ontario, Canada which experiences high temps and humidity in the summer prior to procedure my summers outside were considerably limited in exposure. Not this past summer I stayed on the beach all day something I have not been able to do in over 6 years and even though I am Canadian I am a sun bunny by nature. This was a huge restoration of quality of life for me.
  2. My balance has improved quite a bit.
  3. My energy levels are much improved as is exampled by my work schedule now consisting of quite a few 50 plus hour weeks.
  4. My cognitive function is much better - I rarely speech scan anymore and have clear concise responses to questions asked of me. Mentally tasks are less stressful to me.
  5. I work in the Information Technology field and am forced to learn and remember new information on a daily basis, my short term memory has been the biggest improvement for me thus far. I am able to recall information much quicker and retain it as I once used to. The physical symptoms of MS were much easier for me to deal with than the cognitive damage that this disease was doing to my body. I had much more impact in my life due to this part of dealing with MS. The improvements while not likely too noticeable to those around me have been greatly noticed by me in my day to day work.
  6. Fine muscle control in my hands - because I work in IT I type most of the day, prior to the diagnosis and acute attacks of MS I typed aproximately 70 words a minute after the first attack this was impaired greatly hand coordination was impacted. I am happy to say that while I am not as fast as I used to be my typing is likely sitting around 60 wpm now. I will chalk the 10 wpm loss up to age at this point.

I know that the treatment for CCSVI is not a cure for MS but I believe that this procedure has potentially bought me back 10 years of my life that I might of lost without this procedure. I thank-you for not bending to the will of conventional thinking and moving ahead in the true pursuit of what medicine should be about helping patients to the best of your ability as a Doctor. There are many of us that you have helped more than you will likely ever know.

I can’t help thinking that while some do not experience any immediate change to their symptoms that perhaps this procedure will assist them from not further progressing and really is that not a great reason to carry on? I think it is.

I have one question for you now. I had a Haacke protocol scan done last May which you will likely have on record in my file this was done at Newport Imagining on May 19th, 2011. I know that your team is now involved in research and I was wondering if there is a way for me to return in May and be rescanned? I was going to do this anyway as I want to see what changes/improvements have occurred over the past year. Can I arrange this through you?

I want to make sure that this information from a year follow-up scan is properly identified as material for research. In other words would me getting rescanned further advance your research?

Take care of yourself,
Best Regards,
Sherrie Durocher

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“Hello Dr Arata, I have been meaning to update you on my progress after the CCSVI angioplasty. It has been a little over 3 months since the procedure. I no longer have any MS fatigue or brain fog. I stopped taking provigil and amantadine which were prescribed to treat fatigue 10 weeks ago. I also have energy all day and no longer need to rest. I am thrilled to no longer have to deal with those major symptoms of my MS. If you would like to have any testimonials from me please call. Thank you so much for doing this procedure for us.”
“Dear Dr. Harris, I thank you and Synergy Health Concepts for making my CCSVI procedure very pleasant and personal. I had some immediate improvements: hands and feet warm and pink; improved foot drop; less rigid body; less snoring.”
“A very special ‘Thank you’ to Dr. Arata and his amazing staff. My CCSVI treatment was all that I hoped for, with renewed energy and less ‘cloudy’ head.”
“I met with my surgeon Dr. Todd Harris [Pacific Interventional]. His kindness and optimism about my next day’s Liberation treatment steadied any anxiousness on my behalf. Everything went very well with Dr. Harris opening a 50% blockage in my rt. jugular vein and 80% blockage of the lt. jugular vein…My azygous vein is completely cleared also. Now as I work to restore body, mind and spirit I am rejoicing in new awakenings! Even little things like being able to hold a fork steadily is an exciting thing!…We are sooo thankful to God for inspiring the doctors to be compassionate and actually “life saving” in helping us defeat multiple sclerosis”
“Dr. Arata, I would like to thank you for the outstanding care, kindness, and support we received during our recent visit. Your patience and clarity while explaining the CCSVI procedure to us has brought the entire family to a better understanding and unity. Since your repair of his CCSVI, we can happily report that small improvements in his physical health have appeared.”

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“Dr. Harris phoned me last week on my home phone (my cell was turned off). and left a message asking how things were going and if I had any follow-up questions. Things are going very well and the heaviness in my legs and vertigo have subsided somewhat. Very good! Hopefully the symptoms will continue to improve over time. I now really believe the “Liberation” procedure provides relief.”

“Some brain fog gone and less fatigue, colors seem brighter. Thank’s again to Dr. Harris, nurses and staff for taking such good care of me.

“I no longer have the ear pain and my TMJ pain on that side of my jaw is almost gone. I am sure it is connected to the CCSVI procedure. Next, I will see if the tinitis in that ear will diminish. I’m walking better. I have started working out on the bike, running a bit with just a few skuffs of my drag foot and more pushups and sit ups.”

“Hi Dr. Harris! Just a little note to wish you and yours best wishes for the Holiday Season and to thank you and the rest of the team for the professional and kind way we were treated during our stay in S. Cal. J is feeling better and I have noticed some definite improvements since the procedure. The day before we left for home we had lunch at the Newport Beach pier. We walked both ways stopping only halfway for a short rest -that was very encouraging as J had not walked that far a distance since last spring. She did even better when we landed at home. She walked, holding onto my arm, from the tarmac to the car -a distance of over 200 yards. We were very pleased!! Since we’ve been home she has had some good days and some days when she felt very tired and didn’t move as well as she would like -like you said, let’s wait a month before we evaluate things.”

“I would like to thank you all at Pacific Interventionalist and particularly Dr. Harris. I had my treatment on November 17 and the improvement have be great. The afternoon of the same day as my treatment I pet my puppy and I thought he was sick cause he was sooo warm and then I was told that was the temperature that he is always. I just had never felt temperatures through my fingertips. After the treatment I went to Arizona for 3 weeks and good news I can feel bugs crawling on my legs. Went to Zumba class and in the class I jumped (several times) and landed on my feet not on my butt like I would have before the procedure. Fatigue is almost nil. Went to my neurologist and he was surprised how much more I could feel than last year. I am so glad I went and had the treatment. Thank you all!!”

“As for my condition since the intervention, my MS neuropathic pain has diminished to less than 25% of what it was before and my bladder function is what it was pre MS! It’s amazing really and I find that I’m getting stronger all the time, so I’m convinced that the outcome is successful given my level of disability. I feel that I can only get better. Thank Dr. Arata and everyone else for me!”

“…went really, really well on every angle…absolutely amazing experience”

“Though only a few weeks out from my procedure, I’ve experienced a dramatic improvement in my disability. I am able to do things now, that I have not been able to do for five (in some cases ten) years such as writing with my right hand and being able to walk on a treadmill wearing footwear and without a brace (AFO) of any kind. My rt hand grip strength, as measured by a physiotherapist, has more than doubled since my procedure. I would be honored to provide Dr. Arata, Synergy Health Concepts, or Renaissance Surgical Center with a reference or a testimonial if needed. Please pass along my thanks to Dr. Arata and the rest of the staff!”

“Absolutely fabulous!”

“I am feeling really good as my “brain fog” (clearer head) is gone. My head feels ….lighter …so to speak and I am thinking a little clearer. My right arm was always heavy as well but is becoming more controllable as I can snap my fingers and type …using ALL my fingers now. I am happy with that and just maybe other sympoms may slowly go away.”

“We just arrived home from California and Dr Harris had left a message to check up on me the day after the procedure.we had lft our cell phone number but I would have called if I had any problems.Dr Harris just wanted to make sure I had no problems and all seems to be well.I did have some bruising over my right clavicle but that seems to be fading,my speech is so much clearer and faster.I felt my head was not “in a fog”on consult but do notice my head and thought processes to be clearer,My walking stamina is only slightly improved but I am able to stand without swaying from side to side.”

“B’s walking has greatly improved, but I think he needs to re learn to walk better (it is has been so long since he walked more then a 100 feet before resting or falling). For anyone that has not seen my son B before his CCSVI treatment may not understand the changes that have occurred. How ever small or large, he tells everyone that he now feels more ground and hopeful for the future. We wish that for everyone and count each miracle, how ever small or large. God bless, and stay in touch. We would love to hear from you all.”

“Lots of experience, excellent equipment and facilities. Fair pricing. Deal with confidence with them.”

“The first week was discouraging because nothing good happened. In fact, J’s headaches and dizziness were worse. Then nine days after the procedure, J warmed up. In her words she got “HOT” all over and she has stayed that way to this date. Then more good things started happening. After 26 years of going downhill these things are pretty amazing: J’s feet are now warm most of the time. She has a lot more energy on some days (she never had any high energy days before the procedure). Her balance is improved. She can move her right arm that she hasn’t been able to move for years. She can lightly squeeze the fingers of her right hand. She is sitting up straighter and can even eat soup again without fear of falling into it. She is now able to lean forward with both arms on the table. She is putting more weight on her legs when I transfer her. She is also more stable sitting on the edge of the bed by herself. She has started doing physiotherapy again. Thanks again and Merry Christmas!”

“Yesterday I went from a sitting position on the floor to standing without the help of any aides. This was an amazing achievement I have not been able to do this in over a year. It wasn’t very graceful but than who cares. I am just grateful to have experience that in my life again. I’m seeing a physiotherapist who has me working on weak muscles that haven’t been used in a long time. The muscles occultly responding. After reading Dr. Arata’s letter on the Venogram with angioplasty Procedure, my Family Dr. was more than willing to recommend me to a Vascular Surgeon here. My Doc. also agreed with me that this would have never been looked at because of my MS diagnosis. I could go on about the benefits of having gone to PI for CCSVI Procedure, but I understand how busy you all are. Knowing this I just want to say a big thank you everyone.”

“I had the CCSVI on Oct. 14 2010. It’s the best money I have ever spent. Know you are in good hands with Dr. Harris and Synergy Health Concepts.”

“As to my progress, the following areas are where I have found improvements: 1) My left leg remains stronger in doing things like bending down to pick things off the ground, and last Wednesday I developed a leg cramp in my left hamstring while swimming strenuously. Normally one wouldn’t think that was good news, but I thought it was given I haven’t had enough strength in my leg to get a cramp there. 2) My left leg remains stronger in my walking gait, but not a lot of change in my stamina in how long I can maintain that. I am still very clumsy if I try to jog and still can’t run. I can, however, jump in the air and spin, landing 180 degrees turned. I can do this both ways. 3) My bowel is very close to normal. 4) My leg fasciculation, tremors, and spasticity are all but gone. Little ones now and again. 5)Heat intolerance appears to be greatly improved.”

“I wanted to send you a note of thanks. [J] showed important changes the day after her procedure and continues to improve. She had notable improvements in manual dexterity, increased energy, no hesitant bladder problems and most importantly; her behaviour has returned to normal. She is more like herself. There were many notable problems in this area. She would often speak with an accent and not be on topic during conversation. Her walking is still awkward but she is noticeably stronger. There is no doubt that correcting her venous circulation problems is directly responsible for these effects. I don’t believe this could be considered a placebo effect because she doesn’t really believe that anything is different. These are observations that I and others who know her well have made. I’m very pleased with the outcome and will keep you posted in the months ahead. I also wanted to say that the whole experience was most pleasant thanks to you and your staff. Well done!”

Since my procedure on Nov. 24 I have an endless supply of energy, my walking has improved and and also my balance, endurance and muscle strength. I am far from perfect but these are major improvements in my life. I still have some neck pain from the vein openings but that also has gotten little better. My G.P. and my physiotherapist are very happy with my progress. I just have to remind myself to go slowly and take it easy. Could you thank Dr Harris for me. Once again I would like to thank you and your who”

“Good afternoon, I want to extend thanks on behalf of [D], her daughter, [C], and myself. We deeply appreciate the kindness shown to [D] this past week. Dr. Arata was the consummate professional and the nursing staff were exemplary. Please know that your assistance was most helpful and for that (and more), we want to express our gratitude.”

“I had the same head clearing on Sept. 21st. Yes, it feels so fantastic. My vision is brighter and my voice tremors are gone leaving me with a strong clear voice!”

“When we arrived at your clinic, M’s head was full of FOG, she was tilting to the right dragging her foot, had terrible migraine + bad headaches, sometimes for weeks at a time, her feet and hands were freezing cold, she had both bowel and sometimes bladder problems, and terrible short and long term memory problems. By the time we arrived home, the Fog was gone and has never returned, she was upright and walking without dragging her foot , and has had no problems since, and happy to report nor with her bowels and bladder control. We are so very grateful. Her headaches are no where near as intense all the time, and there are days, when she doesn’t even have one, and she can even get rid of some of them with over the counter medicine, which is a big improvement, her hands are warm most of the time, and her feet 50% of the time, as for her memory we are working on her short term, her long term we are noticing some improvements, we have also notice that a lot of her memory loss is around what happened to her with M.S. especially the first 8 years, when so much was happening, so maybe that’s not such a bad thing? As you already know some were instant and some are improving with time. We want to thank you so much for your help, the clinic was beautiful, the nurses were fabulous, the staff were welcoming, and made us so comfortable, and Dr Harris, no words can ever express our gratitude to you, you have changed our family. THANK YOU. Have great and healthy 2011. We know this will be not only a great 2011 for us, but a great new life!”

” I want to really thank Dr. Harris for being so wonderful in explaining everything and for doing my procedure..I feel great I had it done May 3 / 11 and have had no problems… I could talk all day on how fantastic this clinic is and how knowledgeable they are…most of all though how caring they are..it’s a shame we dont see more of this here…The staff was excellent and thank you for everything you did also…I highly recommend this clinic, and Dr. Harris is excellent.”

” We would like to thank all staff at Synergy, words cannot express the gratitude we have to all of you. The staff made our visit so much less stressful. No questions went unanswered, we were put at ease.
God Bless you all in the work you do.”

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