
At Synergy Health Concepts, we realize the need for a team approach to CCSVI care.  For this reason, Synergy has reached out to numerous volunteers over the past 2 years to help in many aspects of our practice. As with all volunteers, these individuals are never paid for their services but instead give their own time and energy for the good of others!  Listed below are only some of the largest contributions that we would like to thank our volunteers for.

The Synergy Patient Information Guide

Putting together a comprehensive patient guide like ours took the effort of dozens of volunteers.  We would like to especially thank Michelle Walsh, Teri Jaklin, and Bill Code for their sections in our informational guide. Their help in volunteering to write sections on diet, overall MS care, and physio-therapy were instrumental in helping educate our patients.

Our ongoing patient education

At Synergy Health, we pride ourselves in our ongoing education of our patients before, during, and after their treatment. However, it takes the help of many volunteers to respond to all of the inquires that we receive. In particular, Synergy would like to thank Michelle Walsh and Kelly Meloche for ensuring that each patient gets all the information that they need to make educated decisions on treatment and research.

Notice Regarding All of our Volunteers

Many of our volunteers work with multiple medical groups around the country to help educate patients. Those that work with us, along with those that work for multiple medical groups, are strictly on a volunteer basis, and are never compensated for their work. Because of the hard work that they dedicate to their patients, fellow patients, and new patients, we would like to thank them again for their efforts.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions.

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